User Whitelist

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Beginning with version 4.50.36 of bt-WebFilter, it is now possible to exclude Users (Domain or IP) from being acted upon by the filter. This feature effectively bypasses the Proxy/Filter should the need arise.

To Add a Domain User to the User Whitelist

  1. Right-click on the bt-WebFilter container object in the bt-WebFilter Management Console and select ‘Properties.’ (Alternatively, you can select the ‘bt-WebFilter’ container object and then select the ‘Properties’ option from the ‘Action’ menu of the Management Console.)
  2. Click the ‘User Whitelist’ tab
  3. Click ‘Add’ under the User section of the tab
  4. Type the username(s) in the field and click ‘Check Names’ to make sure they resolve.
  5. Click ‘OK’ then ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ on the ‘User Whitelist’ tab.

To Add an IP Address or IP Range to the User Whitelist

  1. Right-click on the bt-WebFilter container object in the bt-WebFilter Management Console and select ‘Properties.’ (Alternatively, you can select the ‘bt-WebFilter’ container object and then select the ‘Properties’ option from the ‘Action’ menu of the Management Console.)
  2. Click the ‘User Whitelist’ tab
  3. Click ‘Add’ under the IP Address section of the tab. (Click ‘Add Range’ if you want to add more than one sequential IP Addresses)
  4. Enter the IP Address that will be allowed to bypass the Proxy/Filter
  5. Click ‘OK’ then ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ on the ‘User Whitelist’ tab.
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